How to Enjoy the Magical Disney World Xmas Parade


Have you ever dreamed of celebrating Christmas at the happiest place on earth? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people flock to Disney World every year to see the spectacular Xmas parade that features your favorite characters, floats, music, and fireworks. But how can you make the most of your visit and avoid the crowds, long lines, and stress? In this blog post, we’ll share with you some insider secrets and practical advice on how to enjoy the magical Disney World Xmas parade like a pro. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned visitor, you’ll find something useful and helpful in this guide. So, let’s get started!

The Disney World Xmas parade is a must-see attraction for anyone who loves the holiday spirit, but it requires some planning and preparation to make it a smooth and fun experience. Here are nine tips and tricks that will help you do just that.

How to enjoy the enchanted Disney World Xmas Parade in nine steps

Tip #1: Book your tickets and hotel in advance

The Disney World Xmas parade is one of the most popular events of the year, so it’s wise to book your tickets and hotel as early as possible. This way, you’ll secure your spot and avoid paying higher prices or missing out on availability. You can also take advantage of some discounts and deals that Disney offers for early birds. Plus, you’ll have more time to plan your itinerary and budget accordingly.

Tip #2: Choose the best date and time for the parade

The Disney World Xmas parade runs from early November to late December, and it usually takes place twice a day: once in the afternoon and once in the evening. The afternoon parade is shorter and less crowded, but it can be hot and sunny. The evening parade is longer and more festive, but it can be cold and rainy. So, depending on your preference and weather conditions, you can choose the best date and time for the parade. You can also check the Disney website or app for the exact schedule and updates.

Tip #3: Pick a strategic spot to watch the parade

One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is where to watch the parade. There are many options, but not all of them are equally good. Some of the best spots are:

  • Main Street USA: This is the classic and iconic spot to watch the parade, as you’ll get a clear view of the castle and the floats. However, it’s also the most crowded and competitive, so you’ll have to arrive at least an hour or two before the parade starts and claim your spot.
  • Frontierland: This is a less crowded and more relaxed spot to watch the parade, as you’ll get a closer look at the characters and the details. However, it’s also less scenic and narrower, so you’ll have to deal with some obstructions and distractions.
  • Liberty Square: This is a hidden gem and a compromise between the earlier two spots. It’s less crowded than Main Street USA, but more scenic than Frontierland. You’ll get a good view of the parade and the castle, but you’ll also have some shade and benches to sit on. However, it’s also a bit farther from the exit, so you’ll have to walk more after the parade ends.

Tip #4: Bring some snacks and drinks

Watching the parade can be a long and tiring process, especially if you have to wait for a long time before it starts. That’s why it’s a good idea to bring some snacks and drinks with you to keep yourself hydrated and energized. You can also buy some from the nearby vendors, but they can be expensive and limited. Some of the best snacks and drinks to bring are:

  • Water: This is the most essential drink to bring, as you’ll need to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration. You can bring your own bottle or refill it at the water fountains.
  • Juice: This is a refreshing and nutritious drink to bring, as you’ll need to replenish your electrolytes and vitamins. You can bring your own juice box or buy one from the vendors.
  • Granola bars: These are the perfect snacks to bring, as they’re filling, healthy, and easy to eat. You can bring your own granola bars or buy some from the shops.
  • Cookies: These are the ultimate treats to bring, as they’re delicious, festive, and fun to share. You can bring your own cookies or buy some from the bakeries.

Tip #5: Dress appropriately and comfortably

Another factor that can affect your enjoyment of the parade is how you dress. You’ll want to dress appropriately and comfortably for the weather and the occasion. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Layer up: The weather in Disney World can be unpredictable and changeable, so it’s best to layer up and be prepared for any situation. You can wear a t-shirt, a sweater, a jacket, and a scarf, and adjust them according to the temperature and the sun.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: You’ll be walking a lot and standing for a long time, so you’ll need to wear comfortable shoes that won’t hurt your feet or cause blisters. You can wear sneakers, boots, or sandals, but avoid heels, flip-flops, or bare feet.
  • Accessorize: You’ll also want to accessorize and add some flair to your outfit. You can wear a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a pair of gloves, or a pair of ears. You can also wear some festive colors, patterns, or costumes, but don’t go overboard or obstruct other people’s view.

Tip #6: Bring a camera and a charger

One of the best parts of watching the parade is capturing the memories and sharing them with your friends and family. That’s why you’ll need to bring a camera and a charger with you to take some photos and videos of the parade. You can use your phone, a digital camera, or a GoPro, but make sure you have enough battery and storage space. You can also bring a portable charger or a power bank to recharge your device if needed. Here are some tips on how to take the best photos and videos of the parade:

  • Use the zoom function: You’ll want to use the zoom function to get a closer look at the characters and the floats, especially if you’re far from the action. You can use the optical zoom or the digital zoom but be careful not to lose the quality or the focus.
  • Use the flash function: You’ll want to use the flash function to brighten up the scene, especially if you’re watching the evening parade or in a dark spot. You can use the automatic flash or the manual flash but be careful not to blind other people or yourself.
  • Use the burst function: You’ll want to use the burst function to capture the movement and the emotion, especially if you’re watching the fast-paced or the exciting parts. You can use the continuous burst or the timed burst but be careful not to miss the moment or fill up your storage space.

Tip #7: Interact with the characters and the performers

Another way to enhance your enjoyment of the parade is to interact with the characters and the performers. They’re there to entertain you and make you feel part of the magic, so don’t be shy and join the fun. Here are some ways to interact with them:

  • Wave and smile: The simplest and easiest way to interact with them is to wave and smile at them. They’ll appreciate your enthusiasm and reciprocate your gesture. You might even get a wink, a nod, or a kiss from them.
  • Cheer and clap: The next level of interaction is to cheer and clap for them. They’ll love your support and encouragement and give you a thumbs up, a high five, or a bow from them.
  • Shout and sing: The ultimate level of interaction is to shout and sing with them. They’ll adore your participation and involvement and invite you to join them. You might even get a shout out, a hug, or a dance from them.

Tip #8: Be respectful and courteous to other guests

One of the most important things to remember when watching the parade is to be respectful and courteous to other guests. You’re not the only one who wants to enjoy the parade, so you’ll have to share the space and the experience with others. Here are some rules of etiquette to follow:

  • Don’t block the view: Don’t stand in front of other people, hold up signs or banners, or raise your arms or devices. If you want to take photos or videos, do it discreetly and quickly, or move to the side or the back.
  • Don’t make noise: Don’t talk loudly, play music or games, or make comments or jokes. If you want to chat or have fun, do it quietly and politely, or wait until the parade is over.
  • Don’t litter: Don’t throw trash, wrappers, or confetti on the ground, or leave your belongings behind. If you want to eat or drink, do it neatly and cleanly, or dispose of your waste properly.

Tip #9: Stay until the end and enjoy the finale

The last tip we have for you is to stay until the end and enjoy the finale. The Disney World Xmas parade is not over until the last float passes by and the last firework explodes. You don’t want to miss the grand finale, as it’s the most spectacular and memorable part of the parade. You’ll also see the castle light up and the sky sparkle with colors and shapes. It’s a sight to behold and a moment to cherish. So, don’t leave early and miss the magic, but stay until the end and enjoy the finale.


So, there you have it: nine tips and tricks on how to enjoy the magical Disney World Xmas parade like a pro. We hope you found this guide useful and helpful, and we hope you’ll have a wonderful and unforgettable holiday experience. Remember, the Disney World Xmas parade is a must-see attraction for anyone who loves the holiday spirit, but it requires some planning and preparation to make it a smooth and fun experience. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to do just that. So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets and hotel, choose your date and time, pick your spot, bring your snacks and drinks, dress appropriately and comfortably, bring your camera and charger, interact with the characters and performers, be respectful and courteous to other guests, and stay until the end and enjoy the finale. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you for reading, and happy holidays!

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